Latest Episodes
“Ring dancing Christmas carols”: Christmas in the Heart
A Million $ Bash Roundtable In this latest episode of the Million $ Bash roundtable, the gang goes at the surprise 2009 release of ...
Play a Song for Me
A Million $ Bash Roundtable In this latest episode of the Million $ Bash roundtable, the gang talks about their contributions to the new...
Interview with Roberta Rakove (by Erin Callahan)
What Is It about Bob Dylan? Roberta Rakove is a partner in the firm of Rakove and Strassberger which advises and trains nonprofits and...
Interview with Elizabeth Cantalamessa (by Erin Callahan)
What Is It about Bob Dylan? Elizabeth Cantalamessa is currently a Ph.D. candidate in philosophy at the University of Miami and an instructor at...
Underrated Dylan
A Million $ Bash Roundtable In this latest episode of the Million $ Bash roundtable, the gang takes on the Dylan songs they think...
Interview with Laura Tenschert (by Erin Callahan)
What Is It about Bob Dylan? Laura Tenschert is a writer, podcaster, and musician living in London, UK. She is the creator of Definitely...